1·Included in the green group of vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables and contain powerful carcinogen blockers.
2·Space vegetables are better for you than normal vegetables.
3·If children are taught to enjoy vegetables early in life, they will probably continue eating vegetables in the long term.
4·When they are brought back to the earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger, healthier and more nutritious (有营养的) than normal vegetables.
5·The term "Vegetables "in this study included all vegetables except for root vegetables.
此项研究中的 “蔬菜”词条,包括除根茎类蔬菜之外的所有蔬菜。
6·Different coloured fruit and vegetables contain different vitamins and minerals, so the more types of fruit and vegetables you can include in your diet the better.
7·Also included in the green group of vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage, which are, like cauliflower, cruciferous vegetables and contain powerful carcinogen blockers.
8·Different fruits and vegetables supply different nutrients, so it's important that you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables too.
9·Stock your kitchen with fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables give you the essential minerals, fiber, and nutrients to help protect you from chronic diseases and cancers.
10·And although the men in the study seemed to have the lowest risk if they ate both fruits and vegetables, women appeared to also decrease their risk even if they only ate large amounts of vegetables.